Web-Based Special Job Exchange (BKK) Application at Pangkah Research and Technology Vocational School, Tegal Regency


  • Bangkit Indarmawan Nugroho Program Studi Sistem Informasi STMIK YMI Tegal
  • Sarif Surorejo Program Studi Sistem Informasi STMIK YMI Tegal


Custom Job Exchange, Web Based Application


The development of the industrial world today requires qualified human resources (HR). And with the development of versatile information technology, a more effective, efficient and modern service mechanism is needed in the field of employment services so that the employees obtained are more efficient and successful. The distribution of job vacancy information at BKK SMK Peristek is still done manually. The obstacle faced by the BKK team when exchanging information via SMS or telephone is that many alumni often change their phone numbers, so it is often difficult to contact these alumni when there are vacancies. Based on the existing problems, it is necessary to develop a special web-based application for the Pangkah Peristek Vocational High School job fair. This application has been developed to be web-based using internet technology everywhere. Designing a web-based application for a specific job market is designing a web-based application whose purpose is to facilitate job placement and alumni tracking for the BKK team. In designing this information system, it can be used as a basis or consideration for creating a labor market information system to facilitate job placement.


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How to Cite

Web-Based Special Job Exchange (BKK) Application at Pangkah Research and Technology Vocational School, Tegal Regency. (2021). BATIRSI - Bahari Teknik Informatika Dan Sistem Informasi, 4(2), 9-14. https://e-journal.stmik-tegal.ac.id/index.php/batirsi/article/view/43

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